Collaborate your Car Wash with us!

The Ka-Wash concept is the brain child of iShipa Lam' powered by Sonax South Africa. The idea behind it is to simply collaborate with local car washes and assist them into running their business into a successful venture. The car wash businesses that collaborate with us are called "Ka-Wash Owners" and get such benefits as ; 

1. A back end system that acts as a back office that helps Ka-Wash owners run their business in a digitalized and professional manner, with abilities such as ; 
-Online booking of car wash appointments, 
-Create a database of their customers
- Keep a track record of every wash
- Record keeping and finances automatically recorded.

2. Business Management training to assist the Ka-Wash owners to be able to run their businesses in a successful manner and be able to handle their finances sufficiently as well. Additionally, they will also receive once in a lifetime opportunity to get trained in Car detailing.

3. Access to top class, quality, internationally endorsed products to wash the cars that every customer will rave about.

4. Loyalty program offers that the Ka-Wash owners can offer their clients such as loyalty point cards, embedded funeral, discount coupons that they can use in the big retails and more.

5. Customers can also register and buy the quality products themselves.

Sign your car wash up

sign up


A thriving township economy where individuals are able to create their own income whilst ensuring the delivery of quality foods and products at affordable pricing. 

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”