Our Mission and Purpose

"To multiply the seeds granted by Supremacy"

Our Vision

To help create a sustainable economy for the community through technological advancements as well as quality products and immense business and job opportunities.

The Idea

We have all had the chat or been around people talking about the demise of the township; how we don't support each other and we buy things everywhere else except from each other. How businesses are closing down and quality is diminishing.

A Kasi Economy

Simply put, iShipa Lam' is an online system that collaborates with township businesses to create a sustainable economy, bridging a gab between the manufacture and customer.

Distribution Channel

We also pride ourselves of being a distributor of locally, mostly black manufactured products, creating relationships with manufactures who don't have access to standard distribution channels.

The Concept

Our concept is born out of those conversations from people of ekasi for people ekasi. An economy where businesses are connected and money circulates between businesses and individuals in the township.

Quality Products and Services

One of our top mandates is bringing quality products at an affordable price to a market that's otherwise been provided products and services at a cheap rate at low quality as well as provide business and job opportunity to service providers in the neighbourhood

Technology Advancement

We create unique systmes for every business we collaborate with in order to not only distribute their products to the masses, but also provide technologically advanced processes, that are uniquely designed for their business to make it easier to manage their business while cleaning out their shelves.