Collaborate your Spaza shop with us!

Running a spaza shop in the township comes with it's many challenges; Price inconsistency, competitive market and barely any support and partnerships. We at iShipa Lam' have resolved to help aid this by creating a membership club for locally owned spaza shops to come together, create a community/network of Spaza owners, bulk purchase together, supply good quality food to the community, and compete successfully in the market and further create a generational business for the family.

Being part of the iShipa Lam' chain of Spaza's means you will also get branding support, a uniformity that all members are to have in order to identify us. Being a member also means you form a part of a powerful bulk purchasing power that enables us to negotiate lower pricing. You get your stock at wholesale range, delivered to your shop (so no need to close your shop for a couple of hours to go stock). You will also be provided with a back end system that will help with record keeping in your business and sales consultants plugged at your shop that help create more sales in and around your neighbourhood.


A thriving township economy where individuals are able to create their own income whilst ensuring the delivery of quality foods and products at affordable pricing. 

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

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